Entry Info
Click Here to submit your pre-order
Please submit orders as soon as possible so our vendor brings an adequate supply.
Pre-order your hay and bedding with the link provided above or email your order to
Please include:
• Farm/Consigner name
• Phone number
• Your arrival date
• Sheep Barn or Swine Barn
• Pen Numbers if available – or general location
• Type and quantity of hay or bedding you need
They will be accepting Cash Check and Venmo at time of delivery or pick up.
ENTRY DEADLINE, online entries and paperwork
DEADLINE May 1st – for Catalog Rollout
A simplified version of the “catalog” will be mailed in late May. It will include the usual colorful covers, sale information, pictures, ads and consignor listing with the EXCEPTION of the individual animal entries which will now ONLY be available in the on-line catalog at midwestsale.com. Entries will be accepted after deadline, and at sale checkin (until 24 hours prior to respective show). These entries will miss the printed consignor listing, but will be available in the on-line catalog.
To Enter Online, simply click on the blue “Enter Online” banner in the top right corner. You will create an account with a username and password to make entries. You can pay online with a credit card, or select to mail a check. See the help page for additional instructions.
Otherwise, you can print the below entry blank and mail entries to Heartland Livestock Services.
Entries are $30 per head.
Entry Blank (one form for all breeds)
Advertising Options
Large Consignment Excel Option Explanation
Large Consignment Excel File to use (file download)
For those breeds hosting Junior Shows:
All junior show entries and payment should be mailed directly to your breed representative designated on the junior show entry blank below. Any junior show questions can also be answered by your breed representative, not by Heartland Staff.
Junior Show Entry Blank (one form for all breeds)
Wether Sire/Wether Dam Class Splits & Show Order
Dorset WS/WD
Dorset Advantage WS/WD
Speckle-Faced WS/WD
Natural Colored WS/WD
Hampshire WS/WD
Suffolk WS/WD
Crossbred WS/WD
Sheep Barn Penning Chart
Swine Barn Penning Chart
Edits to the penning chart will be made as needed at the sale and will not be reflected in this chart.
Don’t forget to pre-order your bedding.
Entry Confirmation Letter detailing health papers, required testing, and needs for check-in at the sale.
For those with large consignments, you can pre-check in your entries by using the files below.
Large Consignment Excel Option Explanation
Large Consignment Excel File to use